Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Avalanche Final Grade 2012: Matt Hunwick

It was a strange year for Matt Hunwick as he spent the first half of the season as the anonymous man of the defense, never being seen or heard from except for those who attended practice and reported he was still in fact alive, kicking, and definitely working hard. When injuries and disappointing play started to plague the occasionally lethargic Avalanche defense, Hunwick was finally called upon and didn't really turn back. Looking almost nothing like the league-worst defenseman of the previous season, Hunwick was playing sound defense and even attempting to initiate on offense. It was quite a sight to see this recently-terrible hockey player experiencing the fruits of constant effort and really symbolizing the Avalanche as a whole as the season wore on. While he faded towards the end, Hunwick proved himself the ultimate professional this season and should prove to be a valuable addition in the off-season to whichever team takes a chance on him.

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